Laura: More special visitors – Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children - All Aboard Harvest

Laura: More special visitors – Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children

Central Kansas: While we were in south central Kansas, we had the opportunity to host another group from Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children. This time, it was the young men who came to see the team. They made the trip to Kansas all the way from their Edmond, Oklahoma, campus.

One of the neat things about this group was that some of them had an idea of what they’d experience on their outing. They had visited Jim and Tracy Zeorian last summer so already had the harvest bug. This opened up a level comfort and questions which benefitted all, even those who were experiencing their first time in the field.

During their visit, the young people were able to meet and hear stories from our farmer and his family. They also learned about harvesting from crew members. There was a moment of “extra” excitement while in the stubble, when science loving Lady A found a dead mouse at her feet and lifted it by the tail for all to see. Once we all took a look at that, conversation resumed regarding harvest. The guys also got to climb into the back of the combines and took rides in the cab afterwards.

While I was riding in the tractor with one of the young men, he told me all about the trips and events he had experienced while in the program. Some included trips to different states to parks for both amusement and some for a nature focus. This student was hoping to be selected for a big trip to California in the near future. I hope it works out for him. It sounds like he’s had a lot of amazing experiences through Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children that are shaping his life in a positive way!

Earlier this season I wrote about the great things All Aboard Wheat Harvest’s sponsor, Oklahoma Baptists Homes for Children is doing for families and youth. You can read about that here. To go directly to their site click on “Oklahoma Baptists Homes for Children.”

Below are some highlights from our visit with the young people. It was a fun morning.

High Plains Harvesting 2020
Up on top!

High Plains Harvesting 2020
Taking in the view.

High Plains Harvesting 2020
If the smile was any indication, he was having a good time!

High Plains Harvesting 2020
This young man had the opportunity to visit the crew last summer too!

High Plains Harvesting
Long time team member, Shaun, talks to the students about the truck.

High Plains Harvesting
This field had some twists and turns. The farmer drew a map for the crew and some of the young men watched the process.

High Plains Harvesting 2020
Just finished a ride.

High Plains Harvesting 2020
Catching a ride in the combine.

High Plains Harvesting 2020
Rolling the trap is never quite as easy as it looks.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc., Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Agri-Pro, Gleaner, BASF, and High Plains Journal. Laura can be reached at


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