Janel: Montana harvest 2020 is history - All Aboard Harvest

Janel: Montana harvest 2020 is history

North Dakota—All of our combines have finished cutting recently in north central Montana. Three combines have joined us here in northeastern North Dakota to cut wheat and canola. Three combines are currently headed south for fall harvest where they’ll begin in western Kansas picking wet corn.

Our Montana harvest consisted of harvesting winter wheat, spring wheat, barley and chickpeas. The winter wheat was straight cut as well as picked up in swaths. It made over 70 bushels per acre and the test weights were over 60 pounds per bushel and the protein 10.5%. The spring wheat our crew cut made around 45 bushels per acre and the barley made 80 bushels per acre. The chickpeas made 35 to 40 bushels per acre.

Overall, the weather was very hot and dry while our crews were in Montana. The conditions were good. However, if anyone wants a job cleaning up rocks in the fields then Montana is the place to find that kind of work. However, the badger holes are a big problem, too. I think that problem is mostly due to no-till farming. We also had many flat tires due to very rough and rocky roads and traveling lots of miles to the fields. The fields were big and some of the hauls were short but some of the hauls were long. Can’t wait to see what the “Golden Triangle” brings us next year! Schemper Harvesting will be back!

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc, BASF, AgriPro, Gleaner and High Plains Journal. Janel Schemper can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.

Schemper Harvesting

Schemper Harvesting cutting wheat in Montana. (Photo by Ian.)

Schemper Harvesting

Schemper Harvesting cutting wheat in Montana. (Photo by Ian.)

Schemper Harvesting

Schemper Harvesting picking up swaths of wheat in Montana. (Photo by Ian.)

Schemper Harvesting

Cutting wheat in Montana. The sunsets are beautiful! (Photo by Ian.)

Schemper Harvesting

Schemper Harvesting cutting wheat in Montana. (Photo by Ian.)

Schemper Harvesting

Unloading on the go. (Photo by Kyler.)

Schemper Harvesting

My s780 combine and 914P header in Montana.

Schemper Harvesting

It was supper time so we all stopped on the end of the field.

Schemper Harvesting

Nice big fields to cut but so many badger holes cause major speed bumps all over the fields.

Schemper Harvesting

Harvesting swaths of winter wheat in Montana.

Schemper Harvesting

Uncle Lonny harvesting winter wheat in Montana.

Schemper Harvesting

Another full hopper “Chopper”!

Schemper Harvesting

Leaving Montana.


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