Laura: Waiting on go - All Aboard Harvest

Laura: Waiting on go

North Texas: While on the phone together, I asked Ryan, “So, when do you think we can start?”
Ryan’s reply, “Well, if we could just miss this rain, I think we have some that would likely go now.”
To give you a time reference, it is Memorial Day weekend, and we haven’t cut a field. This is not unusual. Every year is different and we’re still within the normal span of the start time window. However, what’s maybe a little more usual is the sheer amount of rain the area has been receiving. It just won’t dry out and reminds me of a few years back when I was on a similar call with Ryan and he told me he saw a fish swim across the road. I believe I blogged about that. It may also be the same year that the mosquitoes were large enough to carry off a small child.

I saw the forecast tonight, and I’m just not confident we will miss the rains over the next couple days. The farmer in me hates to wish it off. However, the harvester hat I’m wearing today hopes that it will somehow split the region so we can get started.


Above is the forecast I took from NOAA of our harvest area for the coming week.

In the meantime we can count our blessings as there’s no other way to handle it or a person can get down in the dumps fast. The extra time allows the crew to work on any last-minute details or extras before harvest starts. They’ve also had some fun meals together, so I’ve seen, and have taunted me with photos of good looking food over the group chat. I’m not there at the moment because I’m taking advantage of this time to see my only remaining grandparent and other family who live a few short hours away from our first stop. It’s been a rough year for grandparents as I lost my grandfather last year during harvest last summer and we unexpectedly lost my Mamaw this March. You don’t realize how much you communicate with someone until they’re gone. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost picked up the phone to call her while on this trip only to remember its no longer possible. So without guilt, I’m going to be thankful for the few extra days that the weather has afforded me. I know too well that it’s just a matter of days until we’re running like our hair’s on fire and life in “the other world” will be on hold. Time is precious and a gift.

Lady A and her cousin work together to land a catfish she caught at her great-great aunt and uncle’s pond. 

Both Little Man and Lady A have been a big help in grandmother’s yard this week. Here he was on reducer duty to get limbs to fit in the trash can. Don’t worry, despite the moment for a silly picture, he used the tool responsibly.

Laura Haffner can be reached at

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by Case IH, Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc., BASF, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Gleaner, ITC, Westbred, Huskie, Western Equipment, US Custom Harvesters, and High Plains Journal.


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