Christy: Finally! Rolling here and there - All Aboard Harvest

Christy: Finally! Rolling here and there

This is a very unusual year. Texas normally has really hot, dry weather. In years past, I can remember having one really awful storm when we first arrive down south, then things dry quickly and go. Last year we witnessed a really terrible hail storm right before we started cutting. One of our crewmembers saw a baseball-sized hail come right by him as they quit on one of our first evenings cutting.

This year is not like that. This year, it rains. And it rains. The temperature is probably about 10 to 15 degrees cooler than normal. After two weeks here in Wichita Falls, Texas, we have not seen hardly any 90 to 95 degree weather. It’s getting old, to say the least. The weather outlook is looking better now, next week we should hit 90 degrees or higher everyday, and hopefully the rain will go away.

As I relayed before, we were able to do a 50-acre field, then we sat. Last Thursday, we started going again, and then we sat the next day. Sixteen percent moisture held us down, and then today we were able to get going again at around 4 p.m. The fields we’ve been cutting in the last two days have been between 13.5 and 14.5% moisture, a little better bushel average of about 45 to 50 bushels per acre and around a 60-pound test weight. When added to together, the bits and pieces we’ve been able to do have amounted to about a thousand acres so far.

We have wheat that will be ready in Oklahoma here pretty quick. That will mean splitting crews. Paul’s dad, Gary, will likely take a crew up to the Hobart, Oklahoma, area in the next few days. All we really need here in Texas is about 6 full days of cutting to finish up. We’ve also gotten word that we could have some wheat ready in Kansas in about ten days. Once it gets hot and dry, everyone will be going full force to catch up.

When we’re all together, Rhonada takes one day cooking for the entire crew, and then I take a day cooking for the crew so that we each get a day to stay up on our paperwork and any other things we need done. I’m really going to miss my day off when we split up. My day off also gives me a chance to spend time doing special things with Zoey.

With 16% moisture on Saturday, we had the ability to visit Wichita County Mounted Patrol’s Championship Rodeo. Part of our crew decided to come out and see a few saddle broncs, barrel racing, mutton busting, and bull riding. I love a small town rodeo. And this town, whereas it’s not small, put on an awesome show. Their rodeo master was one of the best. Segues between events were not only engaging but they were so entertaining you didn’t want to run down to the concession stand.

We are inching closer to being in the thick of harvest. The crazy busy days are coming, and I think we’ve gotten plenty of rest.

Christy Paplow can be reached at

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by Case IH, Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc., BASF, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, Gleaner, ITC, Westbred, Huskie, Western Equipment, US Custom Harvesters, and High Plains Journal.


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