24 Jun Janel: Short wheat, dirt, dirt and more dirt
Oklahoma-We just finished cutting wheat here June 12 and, overall, I cut quite a bit of short wheat in Oklahoma this year. Short wheat means the header is nearly constantly in the dirt. I don’t know how many times I had to get out of the combine and dig dirt out of the header. We’ve cut wheat recently that made anywhere from 20 to 40 bushels per acre. The test weights have been around 58 and 59 pounds per bushel. There was some dock on sprout damage. The wheat had been rained on several times in the past couple of weeks. The weeds were also starting to take over so I’m glad we got the wheat cut and can move on.
We got loaded up and are ready to move up to southern Kansas. The wheat just got ready and the heat and wind is really cooking it. The ten day forecast is hot and dry and there will be lots of wheat cut with this hot weather. Heat and stress is what I’m feeling daily. I just want to be happy in the field cutting wheat but the crew situation has really discouraged me lately. The lack of courtesy and commitment is sad to deal with. Also, these cell phones are really annoying me. I use mine for business only as a tool. It’s sad to see employees looking at the phone all day long. There’s so much work to do and all I want to do is work and not be on the phone. I just wish cell phones weren’t such a priority with the younger generation. I really do miss the good ol days before cell phones.
However, I can’t wait to get started cutting wheat in southern Kansas tomorrow. It’s a very enjoyable part of my summer wheat harvest. Kansas is one of my favorite places to harvest wheat and a part of the summer that I really enjoy. Everyone please be safe out working in this heat.
Janel can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is brought to you by ITC Holdings, CASE IH, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, US Custom Harvesters Inc., Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc., Lumivia CPL by Corteva Agriscience, Kramer Seed Farms, and High Plains Journal.

Cutting short wheat in terraces.

Cutting wheat.

Cutting out a terrace.

Weeds are getting thick and the wheat needs cut.

Unloading on the cart.

Tough cutting short wheat in terraces. Wishing I had a 9510 and 25 foot header for these conditions.

Cutting better wheat now.

Unloading on the truck.

Longhorn cattle is quite the sight on a summer day.

Servicing the combines early in the morning.

Fueling and greasing.

Time to cut wheat.

Cutting wheat on June 12th.

Cutting short wheat causes problems when there is something in the field that shouldn’t be aka rebar and a piece of iron.

Loaded up.
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