Laura: A visit from Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children - All Aboard Harvest

Laura: A visit from Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children

Northern Oklahoma—The boys are back in town.

You may recall I recently toured All Aboard Wheat Harvest’s sponsor, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children’s Edmond campus, the Boys Ranch Town. It was wonderful to be able to see the facilities and really get a feel for what opportunities are available to youth at the site. It really helped further my connection to the program and prepare for their upcoming visit.

On Saturday, June 11, we had the privilege of hosting two youth from the Boys Ranch Town, David and Blaze, with their sponsor, BJ, ranch operations manager at the campus.

Blaze, BJ, David and Laura in the field in Oklahoma. 

After a fairly mild start to the season, more summery temperatures were in full affect for the occasion. It was just flat out hot, just shy of 100 degrees. If it wasn’t for the wind, it would have been downright miserable. However, I didn’t hear one complaint from the students. They were up for the challenge of life in the field. At the edge of the road, we exchanged introductions and I learned the Blaze will be a sophomore and David will be starting his junior year in the fall. Blaze enjoys all things agriculture so this visit was right up his alley. He asked a lot of great questions as he waited for his turn to get in the tractor.

Allister explaining about loading the truck. 

By luck of the draw, I spent more time with David. We got some quality time in the combine and learned he enjoys working with cattle at the ranch and is a heeler on the rodeo team. He has aspirations of becoming a missionary, after attending college, and when asked, he says he hopes to serve people of all ages. David shared he likes lots of genres of music with the exception of rap. We settled for country and had an unofficial, small karaoke session for a few songs. He carries a tune well and asked lots of great questions from finances to equipment as we devoured acres.

Laura and David in the combine. 

Both students were fascinated by the diversity of nationalities represented on our crew. The team harvesting at the location they visited are from the United States, Great Britain, Scotland, South Africa, Germany and Romania. Speaking of our team, a visit like this can’t be successful without help and buy-in from our crew. Everyone who was in the field jumped right in to provide rides and help with demonstrations. I very much appreciate the support they give to the youth each year.

Gabe and Allister spoke about the trucks. Blaze was able to try his hand at rolling the tarp and learned it wasn’t quite as easy as it looked, but did a great job for his first try. I have no doubt with a few more attempts, he would be rolling it like a pro. Stevie gave some rides in the tractor and all three guests had the opportunity to ride in the combine.

David and BJ got to witness the crew making a quick repair to one of the headers. While the machine was parked, I opened up the back end so they could climb up and see where the fuel and grain tanks are located.

David and BJ inspecting the different components of the combine.  

At the end of the visit I was able to present the young men with a small gift, thanks to Carrico Implement. When I explained what we were doing that day and why, they provided the youth with hats, a John Deere branded water bottle, and a few other little goodies. I appreciate Carrico’s support because having a few souvenirs was a great way to end a Deere filled day.

Thanks, Carrico Implement, for the John Deere goodies for the students.

Thanks also to BJ and boys for providing the crew with some McDonald’s. It was a nice pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon. I also appreciate their support of the AAWH program. It has been great to work with the students and their adult leaders over the years and is something I look forward to each season. As I have said before, I end up learning just as much from them as they do from us. If you would like to learn more about Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, follow this link: If you would like to find ways of supporting the children’s home or other programs and services they provide, click here, to learn more about the Ten Acre Challenge, volunteer, or prayers opportunities.

Thanks, team, for such a great day!

David tried his hand at driving the tractor with Stevie. 

Blaze taking a look in the back of the truck. 

Gabe sharing about truck driving. 

BJ waiting to deliver some McDonald’s to the guys and take a ride in the combine. 

Chris giving Blaze a ride in the combine. 

Laura Haffner can be reached at

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is brought to you by ITC Holdings, CASE IH, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, US Custom Harvesters Inc., Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc., Lumivia CPL by Corteva Agriscience, Kramer Seed Farms, and High Plains Journal.


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