Lindsey: The To-Do List is Full - All Aboard Harvest

Lindsey: The To-Do List is Full

Cheyenne, OK- Wheat harvest is near, but we have a “few” things to do before then. I am Lindsey Orgain with Orgain Harvesting in Cheyenne, Oklahoma. This will be my husband Jason’s 12th year in business. We were married on May 5, 2012 and were in Grandfield, Oklahoma cutting wheat on May 7. Talk about a romantic honeymoon! I cannot believe that was five years ago.


May 6, 2017 – Some of our wheat near Hammon, OK

In addition to our harvest business we also farm about 2,500 acres and run about 500 head of stockers and cow/calf pairs (depending on the time of the year) with Jason’s folks. We have primarily grown wheat, but are preparing to put our first cotton crop in the ground. It has been a winter full of meetings, research and brainstorming trying to figure out the best approach to this new crop. I think all of our heads have been in a constant spin to say the least! We are gearing up to plant about 850 acres within the next few weeks.

February 21, 2017- The first couple of calves during the winter calving season

Did I mention we are expecting a little bundle any day now? We are in our final days as a family of 3 and are very much looking forward to meeting our baby girl. Mason, our 3 year old, is gradually coming to terms with sharing the spot light. He has been such a blessing to our entire family and we are all excited to see him take on the role of “Big Brother.” With the month of May being jam-packed, we made the decision to not head South this year and instead start our wheat harvest run here at home. We still have a few repairs and upgrades to do to our equipment, but are not sweating it too much since we will be our first customers this season. Weather permitting, we are looking at the first week of June before we get the combine in the field.
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April 22, 2017- Participating in the 2017 Old Settlers Parade in Cheyenne, Oklahoma

Cotton planting, a new baby and harvest preparations. No big deal…right?! I am looking forward to sharing our story with you all this summer. It’s always an adventure for sure! We are in a unique line of work and I think it is such a privilege to get to spend our days working together and making memories that will last a lifetime. There are good days and bad days, but at the end of all of them we get to be together and that’s something I don’t take for granted.

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All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Lindsey Orgain can be reached at


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