Finally focused on wheat harvest - All Aboard Harvest

Finally focused on wheat harvest

WaKeeney, Kansas—Harvest at home is a mixed bag for sure. It’s certainly nice to have all the luxuries of home: a full sized kitchen, a shower with adequate water pressure, a dishwasher, a vegetable garden, etc. There are also a few downsides: a social calendar, a farm and cattle to tend to, an entire house for your kids to destroy while you’re trying your best to keep it all together. It feels like you’re being pulled in a million directions.  It’s as if once you pack up the camper and leave, it becomes a little easier to take a deep breath. Your daily agenda now has one item on it: Cut wheat.






















Strong City, Oklahoma—I wonder how many acres/hours this sweet boy has spent in the cab?

We have been busy in northwest Kansas, but let me back up a bit and share a little about our harvest at home in Cheyenne, Oklahoma.


Cheyenne, OklahomaI should call this picture “The Calm Before the Storm” as I snapped it at quitting time before the storms rolled in.

We were able to get started cutting at home on June 20. We were quickly shut down by two nights of thunderstorms, and unfortunately our combine fell victim to the lightning that accompanied these storms. Many thanks to the guys at John Deere Harvest Support for working so diligently for almost 3 days to get us back up and running!


Cheyenne, Oklahoma—John Deere Harvest Support doing what they do best!



Cheyenne, Oklahoma—They worked on a host of electrical issues.

We saw yields in the 30 to 35 bushel range with test weights around 60 pounds. I think it’s safe to call these yields “fair.” We’ve seen better, but we’ve certainly seen worse! In addition to cutting around Roger Mills County, we made our annual trek into Hemphill County, Texas.


Hammon, Oklahoma—Cutting on some of our rented ground.


Cheyenne, Oklahoma—Mason and his buddy, Atlas, participating in the 4th of July festivities at the Cheyenne Park.


Cheyenne, Oklahoma—Mason and Atlas represented the Strong City Volunteer Fire Department in the Junior Firemen Games during the 4th of July festivities.  Way to go, boys!

It felt very strange to still be in Oklahoma in July, but on July 7 we were finally ready to hit the road. We ventured to WaKeeney, Kansas and went straight to work. We’ve been seeing yields around 55 bushels and test weights in the low 60s. Aside from a half-day weather delay, we’ve had great wheat-cutting weather!,


Voda, Kansas—Working away under the hot Kansas sun.


Voda, Kansas—A view from the top while filling up with diesel and DEF.

It’s nice to be out on the road and we look forward to the adventures ahead!


Voda, Kansas—Those Kansas sunsets require a picture!

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere.  Lindsey can be reached at

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