Janel: Most Beautiful Wheat Ever - All Aboard Harvest

Janel: Most Beautiful Wheat Ever

Western Kansas –We finished up in western Kansas mid-July and had a good run there this year.  The wheat that we harvested yielded well and overall it was a tremendous crop.  It was the most beautiful wheat I’ve ever harvested.

I was expecting the wheat to make in the 60s before I arrived in western Kansas. It made in the 90s and 100s.  We were very lucky to have great harvesting weather and the opportunity to harvest such a nice wheat crop.  I’m happy for the Kansas farmers and the outstanding wheat crop they had this year.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere.  Janel Schemper can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.

Schemper Harvesting

A beautiful wheat crop in western Kansas.

Schemper Harvesting

The wheat yielded well and there were no weeds on this farm.

Schemper Harvesting

Stopped for supper.

Schemper Harvesting

Unloading on the Elmer’s Manufacturing demo Haulmaster 1300 bushel grain cart.

Schemper Harvesting

My combine and blue header and the beautiful wheat.

Schemper Harvesting

It was a tremendous wheat crop.

Schemper Harvesting

The corn crop is looking very good.

Schemper Harvesting

The most beautiful wheat I’ve ever harvested.

Schemper Harvesting

Unloading on the grain cart.

Schemper Harvesting

A finished field and going to the next one.

Schemper Harvesting

Such pretty fields to harvest.


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