Jada: Celebrating the 4th and finishing up in Colby, Kan. - All Aboard Harvest

Jada: Celebrating the 4th and finishing up in Colby, Kan.

Colby, Kan.- I hope you all had a blast this 4th of July! Hoffman Harvesting was finished up with the Colby, Kan. harvest in time to celebrate July 3, 4 and 5th. We bided our time grilling out, playing rugby and baseball- well some of us anyway, swimming, watching movies, and visiting with other harvesters parked at the fairgrounds. We had a choice to move to our next stop (Goodland, Kan.) but with bleak weather reports we decided to stay parked here. The Colby fireworks show takes place in our front yard so we didn’t need to go anywhere to watch them. Talk about conveinient! That evening it rained hard. We received 3 inches of rain. I bet our farmer was happy to have his wheat cut before the rain hit. His average yield was 60 bu/ ac.

It also rained 3 inches at our next stop- Goodland, Kan. We plan to head that way tomorrow so we are ready to go when it actually drys up. In the meantime, we are just hanging out and having fun.

Here is a recipe for some Kabob marinade I made:

2 cloves garlic

1 1/2 tsp. pepper

1/4 C. worchestershire sauce

3/4 c. soy sauce

1 c. olive oil or vegetable oil

1/2 c. lemon juice

1/4 c. prepared mustard

1/4 c. white vinegar

I don’t think marinating time matters too much. I have done it from 30 minutes to up to the day before. I use steak, zucchini, red onion, tomatoes, colored peppers, and mushrooms. My trick is to put the veggies separate from the meat when grilling as the meat takes longer to cook.

Below are some pictures of our last days harvesting.

3 of our combines in formation with a truckC
Three of our combines in formation with a truck.

A beautiful day for harvesting
A beautiful day for harvesting in Colby, Kan.


Cutting around a curve in Colby, Kan.


Cooking Kabobs!

My Grill Guard

My grill guard. 


Fireworks from the show in Colby, Kan.

Jada can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.

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