Z Crew: Itchin’ to Hit the Road - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: Itchin’ to Hit the Road



Taylor_CallieManley, Neb.— The combine’s been in the yard for about two weeks now. Callie’s been out of school since the 23rd of May. Dad and Mom are both getting antsy.

I received word on Tuesday night that Dad and I will be making the first trip south on Sunday (June 2) with our sights set on Shattuck, Okla. The trip will be 500 miles and we’ll be taking the Peterbuilt to haul the combine and the brand spankin’ new Dodge dually to pull the header. I know we’re all more than excited to hit the road and I’m sure fellow harvesters are feeling the same way!

The combine is finally in the driveway! This is usually a sign that we're about to hit the road!

The combine is finally in the driveway! This is usually a sign that we’re about to hit the road!

We’ve been answering the same questions over and over that I’m sure a lot of you followers want to ask:

“Why are you still here?” – We are still here because our farmer in Texas told us the insurance adjuster adjusted the wheat after the freeze with a 4 bushels per acre yield and therefore could not justify hiring us.

“When are you leaving?” – We don’t know for sure, but hopefully after Dad and I have taken down the first load on Sunday we’ll have a better idea.

“What’s the wheat look like?” – All we can say is what we’ve been hearing which is 10 to 15 bushels per acre.

These questions and the answers change every summer. We are part of an industry that changes by the day and sometimes even by the hour. This summer is a reminder that we are not in control. We have learned over the years all we can do is sit back and take it one day at a time.

Callie and I have been taking this opportunity to actually pretend we’re having a “normal teenager’s” summer by going to baseball games, movies and bowling with our friends. While we are having a great experience, I know I can speak for both of us in saying we’re ready for harvest to begin.

This is Callie and her best friend when we spent an afternoon at the Henry Doorly Zoo.

This is Callie and her best friend when we spent an afternoon at the Henry Doorly Zoo.

Taylor and Callie with a friend at a baseball game.

Callie and I have been loving the opportunity to sit at a few baseball games!

On a different note, the storms that have been torturing the Midwest for the last week and a half has had the family glued to the television. Our thoughts and prayers are with families that have been affected by the tornadoes. Hopefully we have a safe trip South and can avoid any issues along the way!

We haven't yet began packing the trailer house. That will be the next step in getting ready!

We haven’t yet began packing the trailer house. That will be the next step in getting ready!

Mom sitting at her make-shift work station for US Custom Harvesters.

Mom sitting at her make-shift work station for US Custom Harvesters.

When the weather permits, Mom spends a lot of afternoons tending the many gardens we have around our home.

When the weather permits, Mom spends a lot of afternoons tending the many gardens we have around our home.

And of course, we are ALL enjoying the extra time with baby Eli! He's getting so big!

And of course, we are ALL enjoying the extra time with baby Eli! He’s getting so big!

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.

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