Waiting on green wheat - All Aboard Harvest

Waiting on green wheat

Limon, Colorado—Not a whole lot has happened since the last post. We’re sitting on green wheat. Are you surprised? The eastern Colorado area had an above average looking crop in the early spring. Everyone was excited for the summer crop but this spring after a substantial amount of rain and a couple of bad nights of frost, the wheat didn’t look nearly as promising. One day they’d go to the field and be excited for a great crop and the next day they’d be cursing the clouds for what had happened.

The rain was so heavy that the local school even canceled the last day of classes because kids couldn’t get into town if they lived out in the country. It breaks my heart that the Midwest has had to deal with such extreme conditions. One year it’s so dry nothing will grow and the next year it’s so wet that the crops are ruined. Because of the life I live and the people I meet I am constantly reminded of God’s greatness and his plans for the future.

I had a great lunch with the farmer’s daughter-in-law and granddaughter. While talking with them, Sarah brought up a really great point about all of this rain.”I keep reminding my husband that although this year may not be as good as we’d hoped, at least the moisture has been returned to the ground and we can look forward to an even better crop next year.” Positive thoughts, prayers and hope for the future go a really long way in the agriculture industry. I’m reminded on a daily basis that God is good and He does know what He’s doing. And we need to trust Him.

Mom, Dad and the Limon, Colorado, crew are headed to the field this afternoon to get a better idea of when the wheat will cut. I pray it’s soon! Montana may be right around the corner…

Z Crew: moving to the farm
Moving from town to the farm to unload the combine off the trailer. Always be careful if you feel as though you must pass an oversized load!

Z Crew: the set up
Dad always has a long load to pull!

Z Crew: getting ready to unload
Getting ready to unload the combine off of the trailer.

Z Crew: taking combine off trailer
It takes skill, precision and patience to unload the combine! There’s not a whole lot of wiggle room.

Z Crew: the best view
The best view in the house. Colorado has some beautiful sunsets.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com.


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