Jenna: Cutting near Deerfield, Kan.

The past couple of days have been rather uneventful. Mom and Dad started cutting a large field yesterday and finished it this evening, just before a storm came through. That field was irrigated and yielded around 50.

There was enough rain in the storm to bring cutting to a halt around 6 p.m., so we decided to drive to Garden City and have supper. We also stopped by Wal-Mart and stocked up on some necessities.

It’s raining again now and I’m sort of getting my hopes up that we’ll get enough that we won’t be able to cut tomorrow…is that bad?! Ha! But that’s the only way we’ll be able to have any kind of a “real” Fourth of July celebration! (Ironic how most people hope it doesn’t rain on the Fourth and I have to hope that it does.)

On another note, we found out today that Jamie, my older sister, is coming to visit in a couple of weeks! We can’t wait to see her!

Jenna Zeorian can be reached at All Aboard 2009 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.


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