09 Jun Harvest is in full swing
Texas – Across the Northern Low Plains wheat harvest is well under way, and the crop looks good. The hot weather in the Northern High Plains has caused a rapid maturing of the wheat crop. Statewide, the crop looks overall fair to good. Some areas of Texas are reporting above average yields.
Oklahoma – Temperatures were well into triple digits last week across the West Central, North Central and Southwest districts of Oklahoma. The hot, dry weather has been ideal for the wheat harvest that is off to a good start across the state, and is forecasted to be running at full pace by the end of the week. Twelve-percent of wheat had been harvested at the end of last week, and the remaining wheat crop is still rated mostly fair to good.
Kansas – It is officially summer as hot, dry weather made its way across the Sunflower State this past week. Wheat harvest preparation is underway as the crop is 99 percent headed and 48 percent has turned color–both numbers are slightly behind a typical year in Kansas. Only three percent of the wheat crop is matured, and the condition is still rated at fair to good. Stripe rust and leaf rust continue to be the primary concern with wheat producers, as 26 percent of the wheat crop is reported with light infestation.
Colorado – Warmer weather has helped push crop development along, especially the wheat crop. The Eastern Plains reported some hail and wind damage to crops late last week. Winter wheat is 90 percent headed and just beginning to ripen. Warmer temperatures have helped accelerate the process, but the wheat crop–rated mostly in good condition–is estimated about a week behind typical years. Spring wheat is only 26 percent headed, well ahead of the 5-year average, and condition is rated mostly fair to good.
Nebraska – Weather has been warming across the Cornhusker State, and the eastern half of Nebraska reported up to two inches of precipitation. Wheat conditions remain fair to good, with only 10 percent rating excellent–better than last year’s average. Wheat jointed is at 92 percent, slightly behind last year at this time. Seventy-percent of wheat is headed. Disease concerns are beginning to emerge in several areas of the state.
South Dakota – Warm weather is wanted in South Dakota, as sunshine would help the progression of all crops. Spring wheat is 30 percent booted, and winter wheat continues to develop–47 percent is headed, slightly behind the aveage.
Missouri – Winter wheat is 96 percent headed and 67 percent is beginning to turn color –both slightly ahead of last year at this time, but typical for Missouri wheat. In the Bootheel harvest has just started as the wheat condition remains relatively unchanged. Most wheat rated fair to good, but 24 percent rated poor and 10 percent rated very poor.
Minnesota – Fifty-nine percent of spring wheat was jointing and rated 90 percent good to excellent.
Wyoming – Winter wheat was rated 89 percent good or better, but progress is lagging behind in the boot stage. However, the crop is on time for jointing. Spring wheat is also slightly lagging behind when it comes to the boot stage–but ahead of schedule for jointing.
Montana – The winter wheat conditions have imporoved slightly; 67 percent of wheat is good to excellent. Spring wheat conditions are 79 percent good to excellent.
For information email crew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2010 Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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