01 Jul Jada: Servicing is part of a daily routine
Colby, Kan.- Before getting in the field to cut, we come out in the morning and do servicing on our equipment. Our duties range from filling gas, greasing machinery and cleaning windows/ interiors to minor repairs and odd and ends job.
The wheat is looking good here. Yesterday we were cutting wheat ranging from 45 – 65 bu/ac. The test weights were anywhere from 60 to 63 lbs. Below are some photos of the crew servicing and us harvesting by Gem, Kan.
Can you hear me now?! Where is the Verizon guy when you need him? Sometimes there’s no other way to get service in the field. Leon climbs up to talk on the phone.
Dan disposes of a tire that blew.
Johan and Carsten replace a repaired tire on the Ford.
Callum (above) and Hans (below) services their headers.
Communication is important. Gabriel works on putting a new motorola radio in one of the combines.
Harvesting the wheat by Gem, Kan.
Jada can be reached at allaboardharvest.com. The All Aboard 2010 Harvest is sponsored byHigh Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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