27 Jul Jenna: Where we are and what we’ve been doing
Limon, Colo. – After spending nearly an entire month in Deerfield, Kan., Zeorian Harvesting has finally, finally relocated. Don’t get me wrong – we’re quite fond of Deerfield – but in an occupation that normally requires moving every one to two weeks, being somewhere for one month is too long.
The way things have played out the past month go a little something like this: we finished cutting in Deerfield over the Fourth of July weekend. Because the wheat wasn’t ready at our next stop in Limon, Colo., and there was no wheat left to be cut between the two locations, we took about a week to clean equipment, do minor maintenance work, etc.
After checking in with our farmers in Limon the following week, we learned that the wheat was still a week to ten days away from being ripe. So, taking advantage of some down time, the crew (aka my parents and sisters) decided to take a little drive to the mountains and camp for a couple of days.
Callie, Mom, Dad and Taylor took advantage of some down time in July and went camping in the Colorado mountains.
That brings us to last week, which is when we finally made the move from Deerfield to Limon. We arrived last Tuesday, the 19th, and went to work the next day. Unfortunately, rain had other plans for us and shut us down early. So we went to work the next day – and rain shut us down early. So we went to work the day after that – and rain shut us down early. You’re probably starting to pick up on the pattern by now.
It’s been a tough week in terms of the number of acres we’ve been able to cut. Between rain and high-moisture wheat, we’ve only been averaging around 100 acres a day, which is not a lot.
We will count our blessings though. Earlier this year, the Limon area was so dry we weren’t sure that there was going to be anything to cut here at all. Thankfully, the land was shown some mercy and the rains came in time to save the crop.
Now if we could just get it harvested.
A look at the Colorado crop from inside the combine cab.
Storm clouds loom overhead south of Limon.
Since being in Limon, rain has shut us down early nearly every evening.
(Thanks to my mom, Tracy, and sister, Taylor, for providing these photos.)
Jenna can be reached at Zeorian@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2011 is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.
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