24 Aug Jada: Leon the repairmen
Last night we moved from cutting Canola to harvest some seed wheat just in time for our third break down in the last couple of days. Leon changed his title to Mr. Fixit for the day as he had to fix my pickup, a combine and a header….. all in a days work. What a handy guy! Here are some photos of Leon’s repair efforts.
And he thought this was his last repair of the day!? Leon finishes fixing the brakes on my pickup only to receive word of another break down in the field. Thankfully our second break down of the day was an easy fix.
The bosses are back on the field checking on Johan. Well, actually, just serving supper.
Johan helps teach future grain cart operator, Kaidence, the ropes.
Damon not even two minutes before his header broke down making for Leon’s third repair of the day. The wheat was yielding in the 40’s.
Johan points at Damon and says it’s his fault while Damon holds up the part that is the real culprit.
Damon inspects the unwelcome gap on the left while the right displays what the header should look like. Look no gaps!
A front view of the break down. The right side shows how the header should look.
Damon and Leon intent on getting the header fixed.
Everything keeps going on behind us as we work on the header.
Who’s Damon? Hailing from the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area, Damon actually joined our team last fall. You haven’t seen him around the harvest this summer because he stayed at home to help on the farm doing various chores such as checking cattle, fixing fences, running the MOCO, and baling. We had him on standby in case we needed him for harvest but it turns out he was more needed on the farm. He joins us in Regent for a break from the farming side of our operation.
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