24 May Jada: Never say never
On Monday, Hoffman Harvesting made the move from Olney, Tex. to Kiowa Kan. Rain was forecast but stayed away allowing us to finish up our Texas harvest and load. We wrapped up the harvest with yields averaging in the 30’s, test weights at 59, and 11 protein.
James leads the combines through our last field in Olney, Tex.
Oak loads one of our last Texas truck loads for the 2012 harvest.
Rain struck the day we left Olney which was nice because the weather was cooler for our move. We unloaded on Tuesday and were able to only cut three loads before moisture became a problem. The crop was just barely ready. Since Wednesday, we have been in full swing and hope to get some more acres under our belt before the weather changes. Especially since our next stop, Pratt, Kan, is about ready.
Theo and Kaidence enjoy our last Texas Tailgate opportunity.
Dark clouds loomed above us on our last field in Olney, Tex. but we were able to finish up before the rain hit.
We often celebrate Leon’s June 22nd birthday in Kiowa. This year, we are here harvesting a month earlier. The rate harvest is going, we’ll be back in South Dakota by the Fourth of July. I will say that’s unheard of but in this profession you can never say never!
Jonny helps harvest our first field in the Kiowa, Kan. area.
What I am digging today…….. Stewart’s Grocery Store in Olney, Tex.
Not only is the help friendly and the store a nice store for a small town, they also understand kids. In addition to the normal sized carts, they have kid sized carts. While there were a couple times Kaidence was tearing around the store with her cart, most times she actually was easier to shop with when she had a cart just her size. Every store should have these!
My little shopper enjoys a shopping cart, just her size, at Stewart’s in Olney.
All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. Jada Bulgin can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com.
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