Steph: Just another day - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Just another day

Today flew by. Simple as that. Dad decided that it was my day to fuel up our service truck which also meant I had to wake up before everyone else. But that also meant I got to wake everyone up as loudly and obnoxiously as I wanted to, and that made it all worthwhile. What a lucky family I have.

Once we got to the field and finished servicing up the combine, we got started right away and didn’t let up all day. The lines at the elevator were really long today so my brother, the grain cart operator for the day, had to stay on his toes to keep us combines happy and humming. I drove combine today and with all those hours of reflection time, I also became more aware of the calluses that have formed on my hands from gripping steering wheels and climbing in, out, around, and on top of the equipment. Just another day in the life of a custom harvester.

Our wheat is still around 60 bushels per acre. The straw was a little tough today which made for a little bit slower going than normal.


SO-Hobart, Okla
My mom and our Okie buddy Joker wore matching Osowski Ag shirts today. Way to represent!


SO-Hobart, Okla
One of those quick drive by shots that actually turned out pretty cool looking.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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