Steph: Floatin’ around - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Floatin’ around

When we are harvesting at home, there is always someone in the crew who is the ‘floater’. The floater doesn’t have a specific piece of machinery to run. They get to supervise, so to speak. Since our machines are split up yet again, it gives freedom to be able to go from field to field if things go wrong. Normally this floater is Dad since he is the most useful when it comes to fixing and problem solving. However today, it was me who got to be floater. I was honored to be given such an opportunity. Here’s how my day went down.

We have had a Gleaner demo out with us the past week to help us keep up so I had to go to the farm and get the header trailer for it since it was going back that day. From there, I went to help shift equipment to the next field. Once things got going, I jumped in the grain cart with my Grandpa Bob, who helps us at home, to get some good shots of all the action. I got in as a passenger and not long after was made operator because Grandpa got sent to the other field to help with a broken air conditioner (we also borrowed a Case from a fellow harvester friend and that’s the machine that the AC broke in). Soon after, Dad had me jump in his combine so he could go to the end and talk to our farmer. My Grandpa Bob came back saying that the air conditioner could not be fixed so Dad told me to go be a ‘nice sister’ and run that combine (which my brother had been driving) to give him a break. That ended up being the worst part of the day since I had to drive with the door open and chaff flying in the cab to maintain a decent temperature along with my sanity.

Wowza, that was a lot to take in. That was my day.

Harvest Tip: Being versatile pays off.

SO-Grafton, ND

Do you think Dad’s full enough?

SO-Grafton, ND

He spilt over the tip-tops so he had to clean up his mess.

SO-Grafton, ND

SO-Grafton, ND

Grandpa Bob poses outside his rig.

SO-Grafton, ND

Our two New Hollands cutting together at last.

SO-Grafton, ND

Do you think there are enough vehicles on the end? All the truckers drive out seperately.

So-Grafton, ND

Another full hopper which is to be expected in 80 bushel wheat.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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