Steph: Skips and stones - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Skips and stones

Well, I lost my floater status. I knew it was inevitable but having it for a day sure did make me feel important. I did miss the combine so I guess I can handle dealing with the auto-steer again. Yeah, they really had to twist my arm to get me back in. In the fields we’ve been cutting lately, a lot of the wheat has been laying down which makes cutting it all a lot trickier than normal. We finished up for one of our farmers today though and were given a splendid treat in the last field: the wheat was ALL standing up! With both our New Hollands whiddling away on this 80 acre piece, it was gone in a couple hours. We were all making comments about how ‘This is how combining should be’ and it was a great ending to our day.

Our yields have been anywhere between 55 and 75 bushels per acre, protein at 14 percent, test weights in the mid 60s and moisture around 13 percent.

Quote of the Day: “The wheat is going through the machine like butter.”

Harvest Tip: If you miss a little strip of wheat, go back for it. Little skips like that make the field look messy and we are all too classy for that.

SO-Grafton, ND

Our 2 New Hollands combining in harmony.

SO-Grafton, ND

New grain cart! Went from a 600 bushel to a 1000 bushel, no big deal.

SO-Grafton, ND

Going back for a skip.

SO-Grafton, ND

Roading equipment to the next field.

SO-Grafton, ND

Dad in his natural habitat.

SO-Grafton, ND

I just love wheat.

SO-Grafton, ND

A little dust never hurt.

SO-Grafton, ND

Take it in.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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