Emma: Always Ready, Willing, and Able


Misener Family Harvesters are back for another year! I’m not sure there is much that could keep my Mom Kristy, brother Dan, and I from doing what we love. We are in for some interesting stuff this summer!

In 1971, my Dad, Ron Misener started the business of Misener Family Harvesters after serving in Vietnam. He started small, harvesting crops for surrounding farmers near the family farm with one John Deere combine. In 1975, Dad met the farmer’s daughter and married Mom in ’76, had six kids along the way, and the business and family continued to grow. By ’97, the operation expanded into surrounding states, and ran multiple machines.

As the family changed and siblings left we began hiring labor from outside the family. In 2009 the crew consisted of my Dad and Mom, my brother Dan and I. Dad passed away at the end of the 2010 harvest trail. Mom wanted to continue his legacy, and Dan and I knew the way of life. Since I was 14 years-old I had been training hired help to drive the combines. If only I knew then what I know now! Dad did so much to sustain not only our family, but business. Mom is the glue that holds us all together, and we could never make it without her. Dan and I have taken the change with our heads held high because that’s what Dad would have wanted us to do.

Mom runs the daily business. She does paperwork, pays bills, cooks, cleans, offers a shoulder to cry on and is mother to even the hired help. My mom is the most giving person I know. Dan is head of operations. He deals with customers, paperwork, equipment maintenance, and make sure everything within the operation functions. My job is maintenance assistance prior to harvest, and once harvest starts I train the hired help. I teach them how to drive the combine and this can sometimes be a challenge. I am also the field manager overseeing field operations and dealing with problems that come up throughout the day. I also help Mom with lunches, laundry or anything else that needs to be done. Our motivation comes from Dad, and our strong faith in God keeps us going.

I’m really looking forward to this year’s harvest. I enjoy writing for the blog, and love sharing my way of life with all of you. I think I speak for not only for my Mom and Dan, but for all harvesters when I say that I’m always ready, willing and able to get back out there on that dusty trail again! See you on the road!

Dan, Mom and I excited about the upcoming 2013 harvest!

Emma: Ready, Willing and Able!

Be safe and God bless!

Emma can be reached at emma@allaboardharvest.comAll Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.

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