Z Crew: Packing Update & Oklahoma Video - All Aboard Harvest

Z Crew: Packing Update & Oklahoma Video

headshot2 Manley, NE- The last week around the Zeorian house has been packed with…packing. The trailer house has been moved from the backyard to the driveway. So you know what that means? Walking out to the trailer every time you need something. Even a bowl of cereal. If everything goes as planned, we hope to hit the road tomorrow (Tues. June 11).

Callie and I have been taking advantage of the time we have here at home to say goodbye to friends. It’s difficult coming to the realization our “normal” summer will be starting tomorrow but we’re all ready to hit the open road.

Below, I put together a video of me and Dad’s first trip south last week! Please enjoy!

The Z Crew can be reached at zcrew@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta.


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