Steph: Never a dull moment - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Never a dull moment

StephNEW_thumbnailI hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July! Good ol’ St. Francis had a wonderful fireworks show so the farthest we traveled was up to the top of the hill to get a better view. Brandon and I bought some fireworks from a stand in town as well for us to light off on our own so all in all, we had a successful 4th.

After talking to our farmer the next day, we came to learn that our wheat wouldn’t be ready to cut till late afternoon. Knowing this, we decided to take a little trip to Colby, Kan. I took this opportunity to spend part of the afternoon with another crew we are friends with, JKD Harvesting. I forgot what it was like to run with a crew with hired help! They have 11 guys, as opposed to our family crew of 4 so it was definitely a change of pace. Out of the 11, 10 are from foreign countries while the 1 is from Indiana. They make jokes at him, saying he is the foreign one. Not unlike us up in St. Francis, JKD was having a time trying to find wheat that was ready to cut. Parts of the field would be green while others are ripe and ready to be harvested. Their efforts were rewarded though because as I was leaving, they were gathering up the troops and getting ready to hit the field!

About 4pm, Osowski Ag Service could be found roading our equipment out to the field. We only had a little bit that we were going to be able to cut, but it was still something! Our yields were in the 20s, which is what our farmer expected. By the sounds of it, tomorrow and the rest of the weekend will bring the wheat around and harvest is expected to be in full swing by early next week.

Quote of the Day: “That wheat is Holstein variety. Why, you ask? It’s patchy.”

Harvest Tip: When you have down time, it is a great time to check over equipment which could very well prevent future breakdowns when you return to the field.

By the way, I took a LOT of pictures the last couple days so be prepared to scroll!
SO-St. Francis, Kan.

The pile of fireworks Brandon and I purchased.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

It may be juvenile, but sparklers are my favorite.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Brandon lighting off some fire crackers.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Straw cups that we received from the Equity! If you take it to their co-op gas station, you can get refills of fountain Mountain Dew for 50 cents.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Little vehicle a neighboring crew brings with them from stop to stop. It doesn’t really pull their trailer, but it looked funny to those who passed by.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.


SO-St. Francis, Kan.

The parents, all situated to watch the fireworks in Franny.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

*insert ooooos and ahhhhs*

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Happy Birthday, America!

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Sparkler fun!

SO-Colby, Kan.

Dad and Jim Deibert, talking farm.

SO-Colby, Kan.

Don’t try this at home. (just kidding, the combine was parked while Turk ate)

SO-Colby, Kan.

An afternoon with JKD Harvesting. As you can see, there was never a dull moment.

SO-Colby, Kan.

A product of Turk stealing my camera. 

SO-Colby, Kan.

Apparently rolling around on the ground gives a better angle. Here is proof of that.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Our farmer’s moos and I, having a moment.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Grain bins in the farmer’s yard.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Back in the field!

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

It was short lived, but it was worth it.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Dad describes this countryside as the kind where “John Wayne could come riding down that hill on his horse any minute now”.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

We don’t have windmills at home. I love them.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Knee high by the 4th of July? You better believe it!

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Brandon caught a bunny! We snuggled it for awhile but then returned it to its natural habitat.


All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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