15 Jun Laura: Half a crew update
Southern Kansas – The weather was relatively uncooperative when the crew was in west central Oklahoma. They were constantly catching little showers that kept them out of the field or fighting humidity. For several days, that left very slim information to share, so things have been slow in the reporting department. But all of a sudden, harvest cut loose again, so I’m going to rush to get caught up!
The crew with Mark in Custer County, Oklahoma, saw yields ranging from the 30s to 50s. Test weights were average in the 58-60 pounds per bushel range. They finished in Oklahoma last Saturday night.
On Sunday morning, the crew moved up to southern Kansas and have been cutting in the Barber and Harper County region. They have made good progress; and Mark reports test weights have been 61+ pounds per bushel, and yields have been around 50 bushels per acre or above.
Thanks to the crew for supplying me with recent pictures from their area!
All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura can be reached at laura@allaboardharvest.com.
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