Steph: Kidnapped - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Kidnapped

Dodge City, Kansas – Once the harvest stops in Kansas have all been completed, the rest of harvest becomes a blur. I was thinking today how far we have come as a crew. I say this in the sense of a rhythm – a groove that a crew gets into. Everyone gets acclimated to how everyone else works, and things just go smoother. The farmers in Texas versus the farmers in Nebraska see two different crews.

We were able to finish up in Dodge, and we will be heading to our fifth stop on the harvest run – Sidney, Nebraska. We brought one of two combines up here today, and the wheat is still a bit green along with the inch of rain the area received this afternoon (07/03). The wheat we cut in Dodge ran anywhere from 60-100 bushels per acre, and the test weight averaged 60 pounds.

That being said, Farmer Chris here in Dodge City bid Anderson Harvesting off with an awesome barbecue for a job well done. There were hamburgers, brats, brownies… you name it. Farmer Chris’ wife, Eileena, made some of the most delicious potato salad I have ever had in my life, and the evening was full of laughter and conversation.

Speaking of Eileena, she and her granddaughter kidnapped me the other day and took me on a field trip to the High Plains Journal office, along with a little sightseeing tour around Dodge City. It turns out she has two sisters that work at the HPJ office, and I was given the grandest of grand tours of the whole building, along with meeting all the friendly staff members. Miss Holly, the editor, even invited me into the conference room to throw a quick wave and “hello” to some other HPJ staff from around the country via a video conference call. I was offered an opportunity to watch the magic of printing and putting together of HPJ, but I never got the chance. However, I can say with confidence that I will be back here and will one day cash in on the offer.

Another important side note: I got to visit Osowski Ag Service for a night in none other than my favorite town ever, St. Francis, Kansas. While shuffling hopper bottoms up north towards Sidney, Nebraska, I was able to stop in for the evening and hang out with some of my favorite people.

Oh, and in case anyone was curious, here are the statistics for the “Cabover Alert” game:
C&K Harvesting25
Anderson Harvesting20

Quote of the Day“How many heads of cattle is this poker game worth?”

Stuff Harvesters Do – Download 4-5 different weather apps to check. It never hurts to have a second opinion or two.

This is where HPJ gets printed.

This is where HPJ gets printed.

Could he look any happier?! This is Kenny and he taught me all about how the paper gets printed.

Could he look any happier?! This is Kenny, and he taught me all about how the paper is printed.

Where the papers of HPJ get put in the right order for reader enjoyment.

Where the papers of HPJ get put in the right order for reader enjoyment.

Paper rolls!

Paper rolls!

A funny saying hanging on the walls of the HPJ office.

A funny saying hanging on the walls of the HPJ office.

Another funny saying.

And another.

From left to right; Holly (editor of HPJ), Steph and Kylie (behind the scenes of AAWH).

The first time we have all three met before! From left to right: Holly (editor of HPJ), Steph and Kylie (behind the scenes of AAWH).

Couldn't resist a photo-op.

Couldn’t resist a photo-op in front of the HPJ building.

Typical tourist shot.

Typical Dodge City tourist shot.

Made it to Sidney! Only a combine/header and some hoppers missing to complete the setup.

Made it to Sidney. Only a combine/header and some hoppers missing to complete the setup.

A bloggers necessities -- gloves and lens caps.

A bloggers necessities – gloves and lens caps.

Combine selfie!

Combine selfie.

When you try to take a selfie with no autosteer, this is the outcome.

When you try to take a selfie with no autosteer, this is the outcome.

Gorgeous sunset. I literally stopped the combine for some shots.

Gorgeous sunset. I literally stopped the combine for some shots.



Speaks for itself.

Speaks for itself.

Right next to our field.

Right next to our field.


Golden wheat.

Last field of Dodge harvest.

Last field of the Dodge harvest.

Combined right next to Horse Thief Reservoir.

We combined right next to Horse Thief Reservoir.

Those clouds.

Those clouds.

Carley and Brady of Russell Harvesting! Roasting marshmallows.

Carley and Brady of Russell Harvesting roasting marshmallows.

Dad and Jethro of Sanders Harvesting -- can't really tell you what they were doing though.

Dad and Jethro of Sanders Harvesting – can’t really tell you what they were doing though.

Trailerhood party! From left to right; Missy, Grant, Eric, Uncle Steve, Janessa and Brandon.

Trailerhood party! From left to right: Missy, Grant, Eric, Uncle Steve, Janessa and Brandon.

Farmer Mitch!

Steph and Farmer Mitch.

Papa T -- "come at me, bro."

Papa T – “come at me, bro.”

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. You can contact Steph at


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