Laura: Montana through photographs

South Central Montana – Combines have continued to roll in the same area so there’s not that much new to report regarding the crew. I thought I would make a simple post highlighting the beauty of the area using pictures.

Speaking of pictures, my phone, while getting older but seemed to be in mint condition, quit without warning just prior to the weekend. I had intended to use some nice panoramas for this post. I had recently backed up and pulled pictures off my phone but hadn’t done it for the last couple weeks yet. It remains to be seen if I will be able to get those and some other special pictures from trips back. My service provider wasn’t hopeful, but maybe the repair shop can help? I didn’t realize how much I use my phone for business and personal things until its gone. It’s a very important tool in modern times, and maybe even crucial for business, but can be a time suck as well. Here’s a short PSA of what I have been reminded during my time of crippled technology. Maybe something can help you too!

1: Back up, back up, back up! Make it a habit and do it often. Do this not only for your phone, but computer too. While nothing in the digital era is truly safe, having a recent back up will minimize the headache when “disaster” strikes!

2: A phone is a very useful tool, but just that, a tool. It can be replaced. Time and people can’t!

3. Take time to re-evaluate your phone usage and make sure it aligns with your personal values and goals. Set boundaries for yourself. With the world at our fingertips through a device, sometimes it is easy to forget about the world occurring around us. Don’t forget about the real world around you!

4. Nothing lasts forever. Devices fail, pictures fade, life goes fast. Don’t put too much value in “things” of this world!

Guess what?  Before I was able to finish this post, my computer that I do all my photography on hard drive started to fail and is potentially living out its final days at the repair shop.  At least that had been backed up recently.  I’m working off our business one that wasn’t made for photography (and may make the photos look wonky), so the picture assault I was planning for you will have to wait.  What a week for technology at our house!   Turns out the PSA above applies to computers as well!

High Plains Harvesting 2018
Cutting along the edge. Photo by Laura

High Plains Harvesting 2018

Beautiful wheat, long fields. (Photo by Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018This gives you a better idea for the lay of the land. (Photo by Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018Big changes in terrain in short stretches of area.  (Photo by Laura)

High Plains Harvesting 2018I love it when birds flush from the field!  (Photo by Laura)

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and John Deere. Laura can be reached at (except when her computer is dead).


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