20 Jun Janel: Moving north
Southwest Oklahoma–It’s June 6 and I’m still at first stop on wheat harvest. Here I thought we’d be in and out of here so fast but once again we get here and it rains and the wheat harvest is delayed. We’ve been cutting off and on and playing the waiting game due to the rain. The farmers here are happy with the rain because it’s great for their corn, cotton and peanut crops. All of the custom harvesters want to go south for wheat harvest and have a great start but sometimes it’s just a dream and a wish. However, with an optimistic mind I always think to myself maybe next year.
The wheat averages have been down overall. However, we have four crews here and all saw many different yields. The majority I’d say made around 25 bushels per acre. We did cut fields that made 35, 40, 60 and 70. The straw was baled on the field that made 70 and there were a lot of bales that came off of that field. I was impressed. Today was a hot 102 degree day and we finally finished up here with four combines. The other four combines moved up the road a few days ago. We are loaded up and will be moving north tomorrow.
Our forecast looks to be hot for ten days with a few chances of scattered showers. We’ll hopefully be busy cutting wheat. The fuel price is way too high which is terrible. The only good thing going on right now is the wheat price. It’s still over $10 per bushel and I hope it continues so the farmers can make money. There’s a lot of harvesters traveling around and I hope and pray for safety and courteous drivers. Everyone please be safe.
Janel can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest is brought to you by ITC Holdings, CASE IH, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, US Custom Harvesters Inc., Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc., Lumivia CPL by Corteva Agriscience, Kramer Seed Farms, and High Plains Journal.
anelI drove the tractor grain cart on there and the crew helped chain it down.We loaded up on June 6.

Waterholes. I wish they’d fix this street. It’s awfully bumpy in a truck.

Waterholes all over now. We had a rain.
Hi, Sterling. We went to Wichita Falls, Texas, on a parts run. I love that cowboy hat.

I got to ride and not drive. It was a very fun day besides the rain and rain delay. These two, Sterling and Sage, are such great kids and make me laugh a lot. We were really missing Sunder all week. He was on a school trip to Washington D.C. I want to go there someday too.

Looking like rain.
A rock in the field. I got out to move it but it’s bigger than I am. It’ll take equipment to get it moved out of the way.

We got the field cut and then it rained that night.
Cutting wheat in southwest Oklahoma.

The bales off the field that yielded well.
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