Janel: More unexpected yields

Southern Kansas—We’ve finally been putting in some big days of harvesting wheat. The wind has been blowing day and night and that allows us more cutting time. I love it when the wind blows all night because we can get started cutting wheat earlier in the morning.

We’ve been finding more unexpected yields. The wheat is making in the 40s and 50s. The test weights have been 61.5- to 63.8-pounds per bushel.

We’ve had heat, sunshine and wind the past few days. It works wonders for getting wheat cut and getting over some acres. Our forecast is sunny and hot for the next several days. It’s now June 25 and finally feeling like a busy wheat harvest should feel like—early mornings, long days and late nights. Best of luck to everyone and please be safe.

Janel can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest is brought to you by Unverferth Manufacturing Co., Inc.High Plains Journal, New HollandITC Holdings CorpU.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc., Kramer Seed Farms and Lumivia Insecticide Treatment by Corteva Agriscience.

Cutting wheat June 20 in southern Kansas.
Humidity and clouds make for tough cutting.
Unloading on the go.
My dad’s birthday present June 22. We bought this X9 at BTI in Greensburg, Kansas.
Trying to cut wheat June 21. Again, another humid day. I wonder if the pilot took my picture too?
June 22 was a cloudy humid day so no cutting.
We cut all day June 23. Check out the pretty sunset.
Cutting wheat June 24.
My combine shadow plus a dust shadow.
Combine and dust shadow. I love this time of day.
Sunset on June 24 in southern Kansas. So pretty.
Cutting wheat late on June 24.
Unloading on the go.
Cutting out a terrace June 25.
The wind blew all night and we started cutting early in the morning June 25.
Having a good day of cutting wheat in southern Kansas.
I love this.
I love having nice wheat to cut and no mud.
Cutting wheat June 25.
These low spots are where the deer hide.
Cutting wheat June 25.
I love having a big field of nice wheat to cut.
Cutting wheat June 25.
Another pretty sunset.
Cutting wheat.
I love this view.
Four deer in the field.
My combine shadow. My favorite time of day.
So pretty.
Sunset on June 25.
Harvesting late on June 25.
We had a good day of cutting wheat June 25.
Photo of Sunder Schemper running his leased Gleaner combine in northern Oklahoma.
Harvesting wheat in northern Oklahoma. (Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
(Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
(Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
(Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
Nice wheat crop in northern Oklahoma. (Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
(Photo by Sunder Schemper.)
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