07 Oct Kimberly: Bean harvest is underway
The clouds and rain have finally given us a chance to start our bean harvest. We still have a day or two left of wheat in Hazelton but the moisture was still too high so Mychal decided to jump onto beans for a few days to let the wheat dry. This weekend our temperatures have hit the upper 70s but after Tuesday they will fall to low 50s with the potential of frost.
Westhope got going a day before Hazelton so they got to finish the wheat up there and got to start on beans. However, with this warmer weather it has brought the fog and dew back. They only got two days of cutting in before they had to sit for a day because of early morning fog and a misty morning.
Roger is still in New England with three machines cutting canola but seeing the end. The canola has been running anywhere from 65 to 97 bushels per acre. They are straight cutting it and some of the canola is lying flat on the ground so it makes for slower moving. Once they are done, they will send one machine down to Elgin, North Dakota, to work on beans until our corn job is ready, and send two combines either to Jamestown, North Dakota, or back home to work on ours and some other farmers we do around our home area.
The rain held us up for quite some time and now everything is getting ready at the same time. Farmers are starting to get nervous about their beans because there are chances of rain for the next four days with the possibility of early frost.
Bentley’s football season will end this weekend and then we will have a little break until we are busy with wrestling. Bentley’s team made it to the championship again this year but did not win. The kids wanted this win since this was the same team who beat them last year in the championship. Kyler’s team fell short of making it to the championship and they ended their season last week. Even though we had our championship game, the coaches found another league that was still playing and set up two more games for the fifth and sixth graders this weekend and that will be that last of football for the year. I am a little sad to see another football season end but this mom’s favorite season is wrestling. We are going to try to get Payzlee in a dance class this winter as she dances more then she walks. It is hard to find activities for these kids to do in our area without having to drive over an hour one way to do it.
I always say our employees become family to us and this past week one guy made that statement mean something. Donta has been with us for four years and the kids enjoy having him around. Donta decided to end his work day and drive to Carrington to watch Bentley play football. He has made it to a few games the past two years and I know Kyler and Bentley sure appreciated it. Thank you, Donta.
Kimberly Neumiller can be reached at kimberly@allaboardharvest.com.
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