08 Oct Janel: Go time
South Central Nebraska—Fall harvest is clearly in full swing. It’s been go time for a few weeks now. Hot days, warm nights and dry weather has let us go. It’s Oct. 2 and we are having highs in the 90s and lots of wind. We are going right through the soybeans. Heat and wind makes for excellent cutting conditions. Honestly, it feels like summer and wheat cutting weather.
The soybeans are yielding anywhere from 68 to 88 bushels per acre. The test weights are 56 to 57 pounds per bushel. The moisture has been anywhere from 14% down to 8.9%. We have six combines here cutting soybeans, one combine in central Nebraska cutting soybeans and two combines picking wet corn in Kansas. The corn and soybeans have dried down quickly this past week.
We have one more hot and windy day then big chances of rain. After that the forecast cools off with highs in the 60s and 70s. We also have frost potential later in the week. Fall harvest is already flying by so fast. Best of luck to all of you harvesting the grain that feeds the world.
Janel Schemper can be reached at janel@allaboardharvest.com.

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