Steph: 100% chance of rain - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: 100% chance of rain

There is a field we cut that is about 20 miles away from our home base in St. Francis, Kan. The thing about this field is that every single year we cut it, it pours. It doesn’t just rain one night either, oh no. It will rain for days. We went out and checked fields this morning and realized this field was the one closest to cutting. It was late afternoon when we got moved over there but guess what was looming over us the whole trip there? Dark, dark thunder heads. Wonderful. Let’s just say our fun was short-lived.

The yields were in the 40s so nothing like yesterday but still good for not getting any rain. Till we show up that is.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

They color coordinated today! From left to right: Craig, our farmer Randy (AKA: pie man, always has pie in his pickup and sometimes in his pocket), and Dad

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

The calm before the storm in our ‘unlucky’ field. A few years ago, we had a final drive go out in our combine while cutting this field.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Getting one last round in before escaping.

SO-St. Francis, Kan.

Parked and ready to head home before the storm lets loose.

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at


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