Steph: Back in Red Dirt Country - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: Back in Red Dirt Country

StephNEW_thumbnailBrandon said it best the day we left home; “These three days of traveling feel like they take as long as the entire summer takes.” Our hometown is 60 miles from the Canadian border in the northeastern corner of North Dakota. Our first stop is about 60 miles from the Texas border, meaning our initial trip to start harvest takes us two and a half days. It also doesn’t help that the fastest we can travel is 60mph downhill.

Random travel anecdote: I often drive with my windows down, so I am always dealing with my hair flying around and often tickling the back of my neck. On the way down, I felt this very familiar tickle and went to push the hair out of the way only to reach around and feel a bug about the size of a quarter had flown in through the window and decided to hang out there. I have no idea what kind of bug it was because I frantically grabbed it and flung it back out the window.

Despite the bug, I am happy to report that after many ounces of Mountain Dew, a few pounds of sunflower seeds, many bottles of water, a little road rage and many miles later, Osowski Ag Service has made it safely to Hobart, Oklahoma where we will begin our 2014 harvest season.  After doing some pickup farming this afternoon, a field has been chosen and we will get started bright and early tomorrow!

Harvest Tip: Sunflower seeds (or the lack thereof) can make or break a long road trip. Do not underestimate them.

Quote of the Day: “Did you plant some kinda dwarf-variety wheat?” –said very jokingly to our farmer while we were pickup farming about the height of wheat in a specific field.

A glimpse of how far we travel from home!

Just a glimpse of how far we travel! Mind you, Google maps does not have a “while hauling excessively heavy equipment” option when calculating the time it will take.

Notice the Mountain Dew. This photo was taken around 7:30am.

From left to right: Brandon, Grandma Polly, Loree, Grandma Marlene. Notice the Mountain Dew. This photo was taken around 7:30am.

The Grandpas, bonding over harvest memories.

From left to right: Grandpa Hiladore and Grandpa Bob, no doubt reminiscing about their days on the harvest trail.

Our sendoff group!

From left to right: Grandpa Bob, Grandma Marlene, Loree, Brandon, Steph (me), Bob, and Grandpa Hiladore. Our send-off team!

Dad, being cool and stuff.

Dad, being cool and stuff.

Parked at the scale before departure.

All loaded up and ready to hit the road!

What a beautiful sign.

A beautiful sight to behold that we see on the final day of traveling. And red dirt is pretty.

Travel, day 3.

A little downhill action, with a few extra followers in there.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. You can contact Steph at

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