Steph: To the north - All Aboard Harvest

Steph: To the north

StephNEW_thumbnailOur first stop in Hobart, Okla. has come to an end. Leaving Hobart is almost like leaving home. Mom and I were put on bill-pay duty. Since we have been harvesting in Hobart for over 20 years, we have gotten to know people and feel very welcomed. A chit chat here and a chit chat there, and next thing you know half the day is shot! Dad had to call us numerous times to keep us on task, not that it helped much. Farmer Mike’s wife, Allison, owns the cutest little boutique in downtown Hobart and of course we had to shop/say goodbye to her before we left too. We finally rolled on out of town around 2pm.

The trip to Jet was quick and painless, only lasting around four hours. We arrived Monday, got unloaded, and were still able to get some cutting in before the wheat got tough. Tuesday morning, we were able to get started right away thanks to the blustery wind that was howling across the county. The wind and I had an interesting relationship throughout the day. Between the adorable hairstyles it was giving me to causing my truck tarp to have a mind of its own, I was thankful when it finally died down towards evening.

The trip to the elevator in Helena is one that could probably drive blindfolded. I know every dip, bump, crack, slope and curve. For instance, on the second curve that leads into town, I know that about three quarters of the way through, the curve abruptly flattens out, which in my early truck driving years always alarmed me. Now I think it’s fun to drive on. A big thank you to the guys at Helena Co-op for staying open a little later so I could bring in one last load. I told them I would make them cookies but that I should probably wait till harvest is over because I feel it might happen again. Test weights have been in the high 50s with moisture between 11 and 13 percent.

Now, this brings me to right now, Wednesday morning. I am currently sitting in the parking lot of the Jet Co-op, whom so generously is letting me borrow their Wi-Fi to get this post written for all you wonderful readers out there. Big shout out to them!

Side note — if anyone from  98.3 Coyote Country is reading this, please create an app so people with iPhones can hear your station at their leisure. It’s my favorite radio station and is out of this area, but I would like to it to be the soundtrack to my life no matter where I am. And speaking of iPhones, my beautiful, unblemished screen cracked today.

Quote of the Day:  “I wish I could cash in on all the naps I didn’t wanna take as a child.”

Harvest Tip: Always maintain a good relationship with your local co-op.

First field!

First field in Jet, Okla.

With the wind blowing like it was, I got anxious when the box was up on the hoist.

When the hoist was up like this, the wind would catch it and make it sway, which gave me a little anxiety every time.

The Helena Co-op.

Helena Co-op.

Armadillo! Photographing from a safe distance.

Armadillo! Photo was taken from a safe distance, trust me. I don’t wanna actually get near those things.

Brandon, making faces from the combine.

Brandon, making faces at me. Sorry for the reflection!

Cutting away.

Mom took this one!

Mom took this one!

Unloading into Big Purple.

Unloading into Big Purple.

Me and Purple, back together.

Purple and I, back together again.

I thought this looked like a scene from "The Lion King".

This looked like a scene from the “The Lion King” to me.

All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. Steph can be contacted at

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