Manley, Nebraska - Who mows their yard at 11:00 pm? Me. Thank goodness for headlights on the mower! Actually, it was sort of like cutting wheat at night - a good change from the norm.

I'm certain the neighbors looked out their window once or twice to see what the heck was going on and why in the world is she mowing now? The days before leaving home for the next several months is so stressful. It gets to the point where you've just got to be done with the little things you thought needed to be done and leave. Once

“The harvest drive is on again,
John Farmer needs a lot of men;
to work beneath the Kansas heat,
and shock and stack and thresh his wheat.”
~ Harvest Land, by T.D. and H, From the Little Red Song Book.
Manley, Nebraska - When I tagged along with Grandma and Grandpa for the first time in 1974, living on the road and chasing the ripening wheat was all new to me. I had no idea what challenges they went through or sacrifices they made. I just knew they were away all summer. I didn't have a clue how the business worked. What I

Manley, Nebraska - This morning, I grabbed my cup of coffee, checked email, Facebook, Twitter and then just sat in my chair looking out the window at a tree in the yard. The images I see all over social media are of combines…and wheat fields. And I’m feeling a bit left out of the “fun”. I think the invitation to the party was mailed and it got lost – or at least a bit diverted for now.

We’re hoping to get started with our summer wheat journey approximately June 15. Because of the severe drought in Texas, we lost every acre we

Manley, Nebraska - Do you know how difficult it is to write an introductory blog when you feel like you’re saying the same old thing? Sort of like “second verse, same as the first”!

How do you NOT tell the same old story when it’s your story? When it’s who you are and how past events led you to where you are right now? I guess I could fabricate some sort of wild tale but then that wouldn’t be who I am.

I have been asked to speak about custom harvesting which led to the creation of a

Chester, Montana - It took us almost three full days to get to Chester, and we were driving the speed limit most of the time! I think it was the late starts (and extended visiting) that probably had a lot to do with the time frame.

On Thursday, we didn't leave Jamie's house until well after noon. We had to get in a couple more baby snuggles before we headed north again. Then, we made it back to Chadron for the night. It was the craziest thing, though. As we made our way down the hill into town, it was completely

Chester, Montana -  It was meant to be. That’s the only reason I can say all of this happened the way it did.So often, we say the words…“keep the faith,” “God’s will,” “just let God have it,” etc. But how often do we recognize His hands at work? Pieces of the larger picture were falling into place well before we even realized what was happening.We finished cutting in Chadron on Sunday, July 16. We spent the next couple of days cleaning equipment and parking it where it will stay until the move is made to Colorado for the millet harvest

Chadron, Nebraska - The last time we were in Chadron for the wheat harvest was 20 years ago. Our kiddos were much younger. I was pregnant with Callie, and the job I had at that time had nothing to do with spending time in the field (except to haul meals) or the combine. My job was so much different back then. I was in charge of kids, activities, food, laundry and being the "go-fer."  Little did I know that just four short years later, plans would change. Man... what I wouldn't give to be able to step back in time

Chadron, Nebraska - This came to me today as I was following Jim and The Beast to the field. YES! I said... field. It's been quite the week. And when it began on Monday, I would have never guessed we would be making a move northward. It's been an emotional roller coaster for me; and from what I hear, other harvesters are experiencing the same, crazy feeling.We finished south of Wallace, Kansas late Monday afternoon. Once the last standing straw of wheat was cut, we decided that regardless of what happened next, the combine and header would have to be

Garden City, Kansas - My oh my... the days certainly run into each other, and the weeks are gone before you know it! We left home four weeks ago this past Sunday (7/2). Seems like a whirlwind of events since we pulled away from the driveway as Taylor and Jenna were waving goodbye. So, let's have an update.