Jada: Getting along in Genoa

Today, Hoffman Harvesting had another day that ran quite smoothly. Not only have we enjoyed being back in the field together, the wheat is also looking good. Protein is 12 to 14 while the yield is in the 30’s. Test weights are anywhere from 58 to 67.

For the first time this summer, South Dakota has been withstanding weather that has gotten up to the triple digits. The hot weather has done a great job of turning the wheat. We received word that our next job in Gettysburg, SD will be ready around the 22nd. While the area recently received golf ball sized hail, our farmer was lucky to avoid hail in most of his fields.

Here are some photos of us cutting a section. The vast field was an enjoyable field for our team to reunite.

Colorful Colorado makes this view look like art.
Colorful Colorado makes the view of our field look like art.

A panoramic view of the field.
Another panoramic view of the field.

Getting chaffed.
Getting chaffed.

A lone truck waiting to be dumped on.
A lone truck waiting to be dumped on.

Jada can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com. All Aboard 2011 is sponsored by High Plains Journal and DuPont Crop Protection.


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