Jada: Completed wheat run in Colby and a birthday celebration

Today we completed our wheat harvest run in the Colby/ Goodland area. The yields ranged anywhere from 45 to 85 bu/ ac. Test weights ranged from 59 to 62. The wheat exceeded everyone’s expectations and overall we had an excellent wheat harvest here. Windy hot days brought the wheat harvest to full swing quickly here. Prior to this the wheat was wet- 20% moisture.

Tomorrow will be spent getting ready to settle up and settling up with customers as well as getting our equipment cleaned, loaded and ready for our 150 mile move to Limon, CO. We are all also hoping we’ll be able to sneak in one last swim at the Aqua Park here in town.

Kaidence and Leon on her daddys bday

Kaidence and Leon share a birthday hug before her daddy opens his gift.

For now, we have an impromtu birthday party in the works. Today is a special day- we are celebrating boss man Leon’s birthday. While we will be able to celebrate together at the campground, high winds will keep us from doing what we naturally do when we are all at home- grill out. Instead, I plan to have a taco bar which will include two of Leon’s favorites… homemade pico de gallo and Guacamole. His birthday desserts are also favorites: cheesecake and custard.

What I am digging today….. our neighbors in our campground at Colby.

For the majority of our stay here in Colby we have had Paplow Harvesting, based out of Worthington, MN, as our neighbors in our campground at the fairground. Pictured here, Kaidence was playing with their dog, Bella and Paul. She even got to throw a Frisbee for the English bulldog to catch.
Kaidence visits Paplows and their dog Bella

The cooks of their crew also gave me a fun recipe to try. Do you like brownies, oreo cookies and chocolate chip cookies? Well this recipe combines them to bring these treats, which are good on their own, to the next level. [NOTE: Remember all the recipes I share on the blog are fat free when shared with friends ; ) ] They told me to press cookie dough on the bottom of a 9X13 pan, then layer oreo cookies over the top and pour a brownie mix (follow instructions on box) over the oreo cookies. Bake at 350 til a toothpick comes out clean. Yum!

All Aboard Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. Jada Bulgin can be reached at jada@allaboardharvest.com.


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