Steph: No two days alike

StephNEW_thumbnailWhen it comes to harvest, no two days are the same. Sure, some of the same things happen day to day. We will always begin the day with servicing equipment (fueling, washing windows, blowing out filters, greasing, etc.) and shortly after begin harvesting. This part of the day is the only part where a routine can be followed. From the moment servicing is over, the fun begins. Just when you might start to think things are getting repetitive, the combine will have to maneuver through a tiny gate and it will take all hands on deck to make sure our 35 foot header can make it through. Maybe the truck driver will come back from the elevator with a funny story and share it over the radio, causing all sorts of radio chatter. Things like that are what makes the day go by.

And that was how our day went yesterday. Between our Farmer Mike (yes, our farmer here in Helena is also named Mike, just like in Hobart), myself and Brandon, we were able to get Dad through a couple of tightly gated entrances to our first fields. The straw has been green and tougher to feed through the machine so it has slowed us down a bit. The breeze through the day is certainly welcomed and since the humidity has finally started to let up, it is starting to feel more like the Oklahoma we know and love. Our yields so far have been averaging around 35 bushels with test weights coming in between 58-61 pounds. This area has been blessed with more rain than most areas in Oklahoma and it certainly shows.

Quote of the Day: “I love the smell of diesel in the mornin’.”

Harvest Tip: When driving a grain cart through a terraced field, make sure to drive over it at an angle and not straight up and down. The PTO and hitch will suffer if you take it straight on.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Making the opening cut.

SO-Helena, Okla.

That yellow machine, I tell ya what.

SO-Helena, Okla.

SO-Helena, Okla.


SO-Helena, Okla.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Our grain cart and combine cruising through the finished field.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Farmer Mike guides Dad through the gated entrance.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Dad throws me a wave as he leaves the field to head to the next.

SO-Helena, Okla.

Sun sets on a New Holland.


All Aboard Wheat Harvest is sponsored by High Plains Journal and Syngenta. You can contact Stephanie at

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