26 Jun Progress made in Southern Plains
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Texas– Small grain harvest was in full swing across the state. Some Plains producers continue to graze cattle on wheat acres not harvested due to previous damage. Conditions rated 50 percent very poor, 25 poor, 17 fair, 7 good, and 1 excellent.
Oklahoma– Harvest of wheat made significant progress. Wheat harvest was 55 percent complete by Sunday, 26 points behind the five-year average. Conditions rated 24 percent very poor, 29 percent poor, 26 fair, 19 good, and 2 excellent.
Kansas– The winter wheat crop was turning color on 92 percent of the acreage, behind 100 a year ago and 97 average. Forty-seven percent of the crop was ripe, behind 100 last year and 69 average. The crop was 8 percent harvested, well behind last year’s 94 and 39 average. Condition rated 24 percent very poor, 21 poor, 27 fair, 24 good, and 4 excellent.
Colorado– Winter wheat was 92 percent headed while 41 percent was turning color. As the crop continued developing to maturity, harvest activities began with modest progress achieved by week’s end. Condition ratings for winter wheat improved last week although the majority is rated very poor to poor. Fifty-four percent of the spring wheat crop was headed, ahead of 52 percent last year and the average of 31 percent.
Nebraska– Wheat conditions rated 26 percent very poor, 25 poor, 31 fair, 17 good, and 1 excellent. Wheat headed was 98 percent, compared to 100 last year and 99 average. Wheat turning color was 40 percent, well behind 98 last year and 57 average. Wheat ripe was 1 percent, well behind 60 last year and 14 average.
South Dakota– Winter wheat jointed was at 88 percent. Winter wheat headed was at 63 percent, well behind 100 last year and 90 average. Condition rated 35 percent very poor, 16 poor, 29 fair, 19 good, and 1 excellent. Spring wheat jointed was at 75 percent, behind 2012 at 99 and 81 average. Headed was at 22 percent, also behind last year at 94 and 46 average. Condition rated 2 percent very poor, 4 poor, 33 fair, 52 good, and 9 excellent.
North Dakota– Spring wheat seeding was 91 percent complete, behind last year at 100 and 98 average. Emerged was 79 percent, behind last year at 100 and 96 average. Jointed was at 21 percent, behind last year at 97 and 61 average. Condition rated 1 percent very poor, 2 poor, 22 fair, 60 good, and 15 excellent. Durum wheat seeding was 93 percent complete, behind 100 for 2012 but near 91 average. Emerged was 81 percent, behind last year at 100 and 88 average. Jointed was at 15 percent, behind last year at 94 and 46 average. Condition rated 0 percent very poor, 2 poor, 21 fair, 71 good, and 6 excellent.
Montana– Winter wheat is developing ahead of the 5-year average with 91 percent in boot stage and 61 percent headed. Spring wheat development is also ahead of normal for emergence with 98 percent emerged.
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