05 Jul Steph: America’s Birthday
Nothing says “America” like 70 bushel wheat (and 65 pound test weights), which is exactly what we were blessed with today. Busy combine + busy truck drivers = one happy harvest crew. You could say things are going pretty well here in St. Francis, Kan.
Regardless of the gorgeous wheat we have found ourselves in, there is something about St. Francis that whenever we return, it always feels like we never left. And everybody waves. This doesn’t sound like a big deal but I have been perfecting my “farmer’s wave” for quite some time and if people don’t wave back, I feel like I failed. Also, by the time we get here, we are on our 4th stop of the harvest run. We are all very familiar with our duties on harvest, but for some reason by this stop things run a little smoother and click a little faster.
While sitting in line at the St. Francis Equity with a load, I was casually reading my book and awaiting my turn to unload. A truck was coming around the corner by me with his window down, not an uncommon sight. I smiled and waved and then continued reading. Then I noticed that he happened to stop and had hopped out of his truck, headed straight for me. I quickly opened my door, anticipating that I had something hanging or leaking or worse on Purple. However, this sweet man named Kurt walked up to me to tell me that he recognized me from my articles in the High Plains Journal, and to keep up the good work. I can only hope that he reads this article as well, and doesn’t get too embarrassed that I put the spotlight on him.
Quote of the Day: “On a scale of one to America, how free are you feeling today?”
Harvest Tip: Have your own “farmer’s wave.”
Them are some clean windows, if I do say so myself.
Gorgeous wheat field.
There was rarely a time during the day when the combine wasn’t full!
The combine couldn’t make a full round without getting full to the brim. It was awesome.
Unloading into Purple.
Mom should know better than to make faces at me while I have a camera in my hands.
Line at the Equity!
Oh hey, look, I found dad! Scaling out as I wait to unload.
Trying to beat the clouds.
Some reflective unloading action.
Dust flying all over!
We harvest as long as the clouds will allow.
All Aboard Wheat Harvest™ is sponsored by High Plains Journal and New Holland Agriculture. Steph can contacted at stephanie@allaboardharvest.com.
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